Monday, June 06, 2005

Article on respect for the Bible in America

I came accross this article at It was an intriguing read. I wonder what your thoughts would be. I think any open-eyed Christian who looks at the state of Christendom in the US will see a problem in the state of affairs--with the lack of theological care taken, the liberalism so widespread, the love of the nice and tolerant over the desire for truth and wisdom. Am I concerned with how the US in general would react? No; Bibles are burned, torn up and so forth all the time around the world. So are the Christians who read them. The believers are being martyred and tortured, on a daily basis. What has the US, that great bastion of Christianity, done or said?


But, what about the Christian community? What have they said when they hear of these stories? I can tell you I've heard crickets many times.


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