Friday, July 22, 2005

Would you like to win a Soul a Month?

Did you know only $48 will get someone saved? $96 will get a couple. Well, Bailey Smith has the key. Join his Soul-a-Month club and for only $48 one person will be saved each month. Plus, it's tax-deductible.

Oh my word. Do you think I am joking? Check out for an explanation of this divine Soul-a-Month club. In fact, this $48 is a discount. According to Mr. Smith, at "some churches it cost[s] $100,000 to $300,000 to see one convert."

Oh, while you are at the site, have a look at the 23 Steps to Having a Crusade.

How does he have any kind of following, and even have people send him money believing that in so doing someone will be saved? Is that what the cost of salvation is, $48? That's the price of the human? That's an expense equal to sharing the message of Christ and truth, which can supplement even the work of the Holy Spirit?

How dare he say such a thing?

How dare people actually listen and send in money?


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