Tyler Williams on Historiography
Over at Codex Blogspot, Tyler has written an excellent post on the subject of historiography and how we should view the Bible, or Biblical texts (an introductory post, I understand, but significant). Mid way through, my own conclusion popped into my mind and was pleased to see Tyler come out with exactly my point: "The Bible is a foreign and ancient book. When approaching the historiographic books in the Hebrew Bible we have to take into consideration how ancient historiography "works" as well as the different ancient literary conventions and codes it employs." No matter what era we look to for an understanding of their writing and telling of history, we have to understand how they tell history. Unfortunately so many today blind themselves and others by applying present day methods and theories to ancient and foreign practices and cultural norms. They lose the truth about what the Scriptural texts are presenting. Especially for those of us who spend our time in Scripture, and for those like me who's passion is history and looking at the Scriptures from a historical perspective, we have to travel back in time, learn from their teachers, and interpret accurately. Our biases will always be there; just make sure your bias is correct.
Good point! I'd like to see some example readings.
Anonymous, at 03 October, 2005 10:13
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