Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I still love soccer

While this evening's kick-around could have gone better, I still love the sport. I do believe I have not played as bad as I did today since my first year of learning the sport. I had no energy, my feet weren't doing what I was thinking, I thought too much instead of letting instinct and skill take control, I changed my mind mid move, my passes were weak, and I was unable to think (especially about how to get around the defence I faced). There were many opportunities and I just didn't take advantage. I started to get frustrated at my playing and it was downhill from there.

To add injury to insult, I got injured. Feels like at worst it's a minor sprain of the ankle. No swelling, so that's a good sign. But, it initially felt like someone jabbed a knife into the side of my foot, then pulled it out slowly. That's actually my first turned ankle in a few years, so you cannot blame the shoes.

Besides the injury and the pathetic play, I still had fun and love the sport. When I am able to get out there again, I will.


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