Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Schleitheim Confession Commentary Continues

I was able to post the latest commentary on Schleitheim Confession Article III: Communion. Of course these are short commentaries. This has been fascinating, reading through John Yoder's translation of the Confession. The Swiss Brethren were such an exeplary people, it never ceases to amaze me as I go from history to history. I am going through William Estep's The Anabaptist Story, and am presently finishing the section on Conrad Grebel, the original leader of the Swiss Brethren. Grebel seems to have been something of a creation of Ulrich Zwingli, who used the young pupil along with a few others to build up his support for reform, and then lost his grip of control when Grebel believed the teacher was not willing to go far enough. Zwingli tried to be the chessmaster of the Swiss Reformation, but did not count on the radical attitude of Grebel and company, whose desire was to bring the Church back to old ways en toto, not just change one or two aspects at a time. From there you get Zwingli's persecution of the radicals, following the same plan as the Roman Catholic Church he was trying to redesign.

Amazing all the more is the fact that Grebel was only an Anabaptist for twenty months. From January 1525 when he performed the first rebaptism of George Blaurock until the summer of 1526 when the plague claimed his life, he impacted so many believers and non-believers, and helped develope a legacy that Christians today can (and should) look back on. At the core of his devotion: the Holy Scriptures.

For a look at my piece on Article III of the Schleitheim Confession, click on to Nachfolge Christi.

Soli Deo Gloria


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